Optical fiber based sensor system for monitoring of infrastructures

FEBUS Optics is an innovative company based in Pau (France) bringing a new generation of optical fiber based sensor system to the market, in particular for the maintenance and monitoring of infrastructures.

Environmental monitoring

The FOGrid solution by FEBUS Optics relies on our patented Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing (DFOS) technologies for environmental monitoring.

One or more optical fiber strands in the cable are connected to our interrogators, FEBUS A1 (DAS - Distributed Acoustic Sensing) and FEBUS G1 (DTS - Distributed Temperature Sensing).


Monitoring, analyzing, and adapting to climate changes are major challenges for societies and industries.

FEBUS Optics interrogators combine performance, robustness, and reliability:

Monitoring changes in seabed temperature enables to track the impact of climate change, natural hazards, and ocean currents evolution.


Oceans host a vast biodiversity and play a crucial role in climate regulation. Cetaceans are often considered good indicators to control the health of our seas and oceans. Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing (DFOS) enables this monitoring.

Submarine telecommunication cables are widely deployed worldwide and contain numerous optical fiber strands. Some of these fibers are not operating transmission. They can be used to conduct acoustic measurements of the seabed.

The FEBUS A1 (DAS - Distributed Acoustic Sensing) performs measurements:

  • continously,
  • in real-time,
  • at every point of the optical fiber,
  • over very long distances.

It is then possible to detect the presence of marine species, including cetaceans, and track their movements with high precision.


Ocean monitoring is crucial for many applications, from weather forecasting to renewable energy production.

The FEBUS A1, based on DAS (Distributed Acoustic Sensing) technology, enables precise wave detection.

Monitoring the intensity and frequency of waves allows to assess the wave energy potential for wave energy production, optimize the operation of these facilities, and maximize their efficiency.

The FEBUS A1 has very high sensitivity enabling early detection of some marine phenomena, such as tsunamis. This way, it offers additional reaction time to organize people and environment protective measures in case of natural disasters.

Seismic monitoring of the seabed can also be ensured.

cable environmental monitoring


FOGrid, a cable integrity monitoring solution, combines the performance of patented measuring devices with the experience and expertise of FEBUS Optics teams.

FOGrid provides comprehensive, continuous, and real-time monitoring of the proper functioning of power, dynamic, and telecommunication cablesPartial discharges are detected, cable operation is optimized using our RTTR (Real-Time Thermal Rating) algorithm.

FEBUS interrogators come with a 3-year warranty. We ensure training and support for each project. Finally, we offer tailor-made maintenance contracts and continuity of services.

Looking for an environmental monitoring solution?

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